Pu‘ulu Lapa‘au's primary mission is to promote patient safety and care by improving the health, well-being and effectiveness of healthcare professionals. We do this by offering confidential support and advocacy to physicians, APRN's, physician assistants, nurses, dentists, psychologists, medical residents, medical students, veterinarians and other healthcare providers.
Provider health programs around the country have come a very long way in educating regulatory agencies, health organizations, medical insurance companies, medical liability companies and our community that many providers are able to maintain or regain their ability to safely function in the workplace. However, there are still significant minorities that continue to believe our organizations function without regard to the safety of patients.
Navigating these conflicting perceptions is always a challenge, which require communication and mutual trust between Pu‘ulu Lapa‘au and other organizations. We strive to establish and maintain good relationships with the other organizations. The mission of these very different organizations have a similar goal: to maintain the good health of our providers. A healthy provider is our best resource for the care of Hawai‘i's community!
Pu‘ulu Lapa‘au is able to advocate for healthcare professionals through our ability to provide assurance that a healthcare worker is able to maintain, or regain, safe practice. This often starts with an evaluation by a clinical team that is skilled in evaluation, diagnosis and management of provider health issues. Ongoing monitoring provides measurable data to demonstrate compliance with all monitoring requirements.
Provider health programs around the country have come a very long way in educating regulatory agencies, health organizations, medical insurance companies, medical liability companies and our community that many providers are able to maintain or regain their ability to safely function in the workplace. However, there are still significant minorities that continue to believe our organizations function without regard to the safety of patients.
Navigating these conflicting perceptions is always a challenge, which require communication and mutual trust between Pu‘ulu Lapa‘au and other organizations. We strive to establish and maintain good relationships with the other organizations. The mission of these very different organizations have a similar goal: to maintain the good health of our providers. A healthy provider is our best resource for the care of Hawai‘i's community!
Pu‘ulu Lapa‘au is able to advocate for healthcare professionals through our ability to provide assurance that a healthcare worker is able to maintain, or regain, safe practice. This often starts with an evaluation by a clinical team that is skilled in evaluation, diagnosis and management of provider health issues. Ongoing monitoring provides measurable data to demonstrate compliance with all monitoring requirements.